Tuesday, May 27, 2008

An exciting day to be my pet

Something happened to me today which has never, ever happened to me before, and which I doubt will ever, ever happen to me again--

I walked out of the vet's office and only paid $20, which was my bill in full.
I really needed a vet visit where they gave me good news (last time, we had to put a kitty down), and this was it--although the dog's teeth are indeed chipped, no root canal or extraction is required. Perhaps, the vet kindly suggested, he shouldn't be chewing on any more rocks. Cinder blocks, we corrected. He had been chewing on cinder blocks.

Nonetheless, the vet's advice was duly noted.

Here's the old man (though he looks quite perky in this picture!):

In other news, the cat dragged something in today--more specifically, something attached itself to the cat. I don't know where she found this thing...

Didja get a good look at it? Try this one:

That's right! It's a praying mantis! As far as the cat was concerned, however, it was a shishkabob attached to her face...

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